Thursday, October 6, 2016


Yes, walking. I subscribe to a certain logic when I walk and that is the rules of the road. Quite simply, I wish people would think about how they drive when they walk. What does that mean: when you drive what side of the road do you stick to? In most countries, the right side and since I grew up in America and live in Italy where the driving is the same, this will be my base of reference. I get so annoyed when I am on a sidewalk, metro, grocery store or some public place and I am constantly bumping into people. I can't tell you how many times I approach a corner, or an area where I have to turn and I almost butt heads with someone. In the grocery store you need to stop and look before you exist an aisle and keep the cart to the right side! Park it when you need to look for an item.

What also irritates me is how some people just have no sense of space. This also includes personal space, although this might be a key difference between US and Italian society as Italians' personal space is smaller than Americans'. What I mean is when people don't realize who are what are around them. One of the biggest frustrations here are Italians who stand in the middle of an area where people walk (such as the entrance to a store) and don't realize they are there till someone says excuse me.

I am not saying this is a rule that must be strictly adhered to as there are situations in which it is difficult to maintain order in public places, but I think this general logic can help to make walking, moving and getting to places much easier. I suppose though I will always find much frustration here in Italy as people don't seem to get this logic 100%. Furthermore, I walk much faster than people here, even when I have my arms full of groceries. One thing you'll never catch me doing is standing in the middle where people walk to get organised or worse, to look at a map!! Finally, I don't want to sound inhumane so I of course realize when someone has a disability or is elderly. In that case I won't rush up behind them. However, if you are slow walker, be you elderly, disabled or simply have a slower pace, I think you should think of the road once again. Slow moving vehicles on the right and the left lane is the passion lane!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ok. Let's continue with this Rome thing!

Back in Rome. After much deliberation, I have returned. Why? Well, I had found two teaching jobs in Boston, but I cant afford to live in the Boston area and I didn’t want to stay at home any longer as my parents and I don’t see eye to eye on certain things. But that’s natural. Anyway, I wanted to give Rome and Italy another chance. This is my second home and I have a new teaching job which is vastly different than the gig in Ostia. I’ll be teaching in public schools, morning hours and I get to select the hours I want to work. The pay seems like it’s going to be a lot more than Ostia. Lets hope so! I move into my new flat on the 1st of Oct and it’s a shared flat like in the past. So, lets hope these dudes believe in cleaning and mutual respect!

I had hoped for a monolocale (studio apartment) but the damn things are expensive and far away. This new apartment was a stroke of luck. I live right behind the Vatican with a Brazilian guy who didnt ask for a deposit or a contract. He's a simple clean person who has been very kind to me. He also has an adorable pit bull mix named Lilly. It's so nice to live with a dog again! My morning commute to work takes me right across the Vatican to the metro and it's easier than I thought to get to my high school. Its a good thing I took this place as the other room in Garbatella cancelled on me at the last minute. It's funny how life works out, I get more entertainment from it than TV!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


The weather is getting nicer and my scholastic year is finishing in a few months. Thank God! This has been a great learning experience but it has made me aware of the following: my weaknesses, strengths and teaching preferences. For as much as like kids (I am kid at heart at times) I realize I don't like teaching them as when I have to be a babysitter I really detest it. It's entirely possible I haven't found my authoritative side yet, but that doesn't matter as that is not my idea of teaching.

So I am going to resume my usual job hunt which is quite often an overwhelming task because I feel intimidated by some of the job requirements. There is also the magic question of....where. I am happy to work in all three countries where I have lived, but my gut is telling me to get out of Italy as there is simply never any good news here or any clear future for mine or the younger generations. But I suppose I would stay if I could find better teaching conditions. It's all going to depend on the job and conditions.

I have a beard now. It takes months to grow in to look full, but to be honest I appreciate what I have. A beard has an interesting effect on a man in that it makes you feel more masculine and for me it's a connection with men of the past. There have been great men of power who had beards, Christ for example. I'll prob shave it off though in the warmer months as I sweat enough in the summer month with short hair and no beard! Anyone who knows me knows that I have a hair obsession and I have always had an appreciation for the beard. It's taken years but it looks better than it did 10 years ago. Every man is different in their growth patterns.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Quo Vado?

Quo vado is an Italian comedy movie made this year which highlights typical Italian stereotypes. Some are quite true. Anyway, I have put Quo Vado as the title of this entry as it means in half Latin and Italian "Where do I go?". Quite befitting for me these days as I am once again in a state of confusion and trying to figure out just where I want to set up roots as I have severe doubts that it's gonna be here in Italy. I like it here but I am looking at stability and long term now rather than just the quick fix, although that option is always alluring.

My goal for this year is to make a definitive decision in order to have a clear direction for the future. And I hope I am able to put words into action as we're all bravi behind the keyboard with wonderful ideas that are easy to say, harder to do. I think John Lennon was famous for that, "We have to work for peace". That's nice and noble but where's the meat? I digress for a moment...I am not at all a John Lennon fan. I think he was an egocentric, pretentious fake. I don't wish death on anyone, however. Anyway, by the summer I want a clear idea of what I want to do. But I am overwhelmed with the choices I have. I have my American and Italian passports which allow me to work on two big continents in thousands of different scenarios and thus leaves me with a lot of what ifs. But I suppose that's normal. However I believe I am narrowing down my options and I think I will try to continue with teaching although I am seriously thinking of the UK and possibly the US again. I just don't see much of a future here in Italy unless I get a job with an English and or American company, doing what is a big mystery.

I had a parent-teacher meet and greet last night and it was interesting. It was nice and humbling to see the faces of the loving and hard working parents who pay good money to send their kids to my school. In a way it inspires me to take my job more seriously. I have changed my attitude towards my work as I want to take it seriously even if I may not stay here past the summer. It is nonetheless still worth it to do my best, leave on good terms and get the experience from it. Only one parent I didnt like and it was the child's London grandmother who said "our daughter isn't the only one having problems in the class". That is unfair to paint me into a corner and it opens up the door for gossip. Their daughter is a brat and an unmotivated student. I don't know if my lessons with the kids are the best or the most exciting, but I teach and I want them to learn. However I can always improve.

I find it amazing that am considering the USA again. I used to hate it, but my last few visits were kinda nice and it was great to not feel a foreigner for once, although I am certainly used to the idea living here since 2009. Why would I go back? Not because I am a ultra patriot nor do I believe it is the "Greatest country on the planet", but I am looking the stability factor and the fact that I turn 36 in 9 days. However this going to take some more deep hard thinking.